Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Presidential Inauguration

The Booth Western Art Museum is known for showcasing Western art of various kinds. If you have not been to the Booth Museum, what you may not know is that we have a whole exhibit dedicated to our United States Presidents. In the Carolyn and James Millar Presidential Gallery, you can learn about the history of our nation and interesting facts about each President. For each President, you’ll see a portrait, an original letter written by that President, and fun facts about them and their time in office. Since it is the week of inauguration, we thought this would be a perfect time to introduce this exhibit for those who have not seen it and re-introduce it to those who have. Soon we will be putting up a portrait, a letter, and fun new facts about our 44th president, Barack Obama. This could not be a better time to have our Black West exhibit, which presents blacks of the West, since we are now making history once again by introducing the United States’ first black president. Please check with the Booth Museum in February as we hope to be able to unveil the portrait and letter from President Barack Obama on or around Presidents’ Day.

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