Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Children's Saturday

Here at the Booth Western Art Museum, we strive to educate children in a fun, positive atmosphere. Once a month we have what we call, “Children’s Saturday” where we have special exhibits open for children to tour and learn new and interesting facts. Our next “Children’s Saturday” will be on February 14, 2009, from 10:00am-Noon. On this day children will get a chance to explore the history of the 9th and 10th U.S. Cavalry, and discover why the Native Americans called them Buffalo Soldiers. Learn about the vital role they played during the Indian Wars and in escorting settlers headed west. At 11:00am, Ms. Keven Lynch and two storytellers will perform “What is a Buffalo Soldier?” based on Ms. Lynch’s book. Go to our website, http://www.boothmuseum.org/, and look at our calendar to get the date and times of our upcoming Children’s Saturday. Don’t forget to visit Sagebrush Ranch where children can explore the West while having fun!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Presidential Inauguration

The Booth Western Art Museum is known for showcasing Western art of various kinds. If you have not been to the Booth Museum, what you may not know is that we have a whole exhibit dedicated to our United States Presidents. In the Carolyn and James Millar Presidential Gallery, you can learn about the history of our nation and interesting facts about each President. For each President, you’ll see a portrait, an original letter written by that President, and fun facts about them and their time in office. Since it is the week of inauguration, we thought this would be a perfect time to introduce this exhibit for those who have not seen it and re-introduce it to those who have. Soon we will be putting up a portrait, a letter, and fun new facts about our 44th president, Barack Obama. This could not be a better time to have our Black West exhibit, which presents blacks of the West, since we are now making history once again by introducing the United States’ first black president. Please check with the Booth Museum in February as we hope to be able to unveil the portrait and letter from President Barack Obama on or around Presidents’ Day.

The Black West Exhibitions

On January 16, we had the great honor of having co-curator of The Black West: Buffalo Soldiers, Black Cowboys, and Untold Stories, “Cowboy” Mike Searles, come in and tour Museum staff, volunteers, and docents through the exhibit and talk about its many paintings and sculpture. There are so many wonderful, unheard stories told in each work of art about the roles and contributions of Blacks in the West that “Cowboy Mike” brings to life. Stories of Stage Coach Mary, Bill Pickett and Lieutenant Flipper are just a few mentioned in The Black West exhibit.

Bernard Williams is one of the 16 artists featured in The Black West exhibit. As you enter the exhibit his first painting, “African Cowboy” located on the left wall, illustrates the corruption of tradition of the W. African “herdsmen” to the American cow “boy”. The Figures in the painting symbolize the settlement of America and the role of African culture in its language.

Please come and experience The Black West for yourself - you are guaranteed to learn something new and fascinating! The exhibit will be here until March 22, 2009, so hurry!